Bringing Freedom to Walk in Kingdom Destiny

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

John 1:5, NIV

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
Ps. 147:3, NIV

We have moved! We are now located at

18096 Kings Row, Ste H, Houston, TX 77058

What We Do

We offer ministry sessions for personal healing and growth. We also train and equip believers to minister healing and freedom to others. We believe revival comes through restoration - as you receive healing, you become a carrier of the Kingdom of God!

Inner Healing Sessions

Counseling includes forgiving those who have hurt us, inner healing, dealing with soul wounds, identifying lies we believe that hold us back, experiencing Sonship with our Heavenly Father, deliverance and prayer ministry.

Inner Healing Sessions for Children and Teens

We teach and talk about forgiveness, expressing emotion in healthy ways, and allow Jesus to bring healing to traumatic memories through inner healing. We also pray with the child.

Speaking | Mentoring | Teaching

  • Host as a guest Speaker

  • Deliverance Training

  • One on One Ministry


View our upcoming events.

Find More Live and Online

Looking to get more out of what God is saying? Join one of our groups for an expansion into the word of God revealing the power of the Holy Spirit.

Inner Circle of Generals

Inner Circle Meeting of Generals

Unlock Your God-Given Potential with the Inner Circle of Generals! You were created to become a general, to be a powerful member of the Kingdom of God in the earth. In this group, you will receive teaching, impartation, and activation in your gifts.

This group meets every other Monday.

Proverbs 31 Women

Calling all Proverbs 31 Women to join us!
Experience life changing encounters!
This group meets the third Tuesday of the month at Faith for Life Church, 7 pm. (In Person Only)
Bring a dish to share!

planting a tree

Donate or Become a Monthly Partner

Prayerfully consider becoming a monthly partner. We are offering all new monthly partners a "free online teaching", and "one free one-hour inner healing or discipleship session" with Teia.

God is doing mighty things in our partners, and we desire to bless you for your faithful giving!

Phone: 719-398-1825

Address: 18096 Kings Row, Ste H, Houston, TX 77058